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Christian Rottensteiner Homepage

Infoseiten über Christian Rottensteiner aus Bozen in Südtirol. Über Genealogie, Projektmanagement, Internet-Marketing und Weinwirtschaft (Weinverkostungen Lagrein, u.a.).

Info-Site on Christian Rottensteiner from Bozen / South Tyrol. Infos over Travels to China, Japan, Canada, California

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For english-reading users : the site navigation is in english, but most subpages are in german
Für deutsch-lesende Nutzer : Die Seitennavigation ist in Englisch, aber die meisten Unterseiten sind Deutsch

Wood business Links Wine Sites
subpages german or italian - 2009: I like to give some interesting links to wine related sites:
5 Weinfragen an... Christian Rottensteiner - meine Antworten auf die Fragen von weinlese.it
Weinhof Armin Kobler Blog (viele Blogbeiträge des eigenen Weinguts aber nicht nur...)
Weinlese.it (News, Tour's, Interviews vor allem der Südtiroler Weinszene)
inumeridelvino.it (statistiche vendemmie, vinificazione, vendite vini)
Degustation-Notes (in german): Wine Tasting Festival @ Bozen - 15 may 2009,

Wood business Links Bordeaux & Degustation Notes
some subpages german - April 2008: more links to special Châteaus in Bordeaux I visited on instruction travels with the winegrowers association I work for. Château Pavie-Macquin, Château Grand Mayne, Château Gazin, Château Rauzan Gassies, Château Lascombes, Château Brane-Cantenac. Santé!
Degustation-Notes (in german): Wine Tasting Festival @ Bozen - 17 may 2008, Pinot Noir Days @ Neumarkt - 22 may 2008

Wood business Links Marche, Valtellina, Steiermark, Burgenland
some subpages german - I like to make some links to special wine estates I visited on instruction travels with the winegrowers association I work for. First Umbria / Marche in March 2005 where I liked especially Fattoria la Monacesca, Fattoria San Lorenzo, Az. Agr. Malacari, Ristorante Rocco, Az. Agr. Luca Lanari & Az. Agr. Alessandro Moroder. Then Valtellina / Franciacorta / Valpolicella in March 2007 where my favorites where Az. Agr. Giorgio Gianatti, Az. Agr. Gian Paolo e Giovanni Cavalleri & Osteria della Villetta. Other region was Südsteiermark & Neusiedler See in March 2007 where i was impressed by Weingut Manfred Tement, Weingut Alois Gross, Weingut Josef Lentsch & Gasthof Zur Dankbarkeit. And the fabulous France trip to Loire: Chablis, Sancerre, Chinon, Savennieres, Burgundy in May 2007, look also to the report of Erwin (in german) ; there I was impressed especially by Didier Dagueneau, Le Laurier, Charles Joguet, Château de Marcay, Domaine aux Moines, Hotel de la Paix. Santé!

Wood business Vinitaly 2004 & RondoVino Merlot by Tony
subpages in german - Die Vinitaly in Verona und das letzte Treffen bei Armentarola unserer Weinrunde
Apr 2004 - One of the biggest wine fairs is again over. For every winelover the trip to Verona is a must.
A week later we have the possibility to taste in Armentarola (Val Badia) some of the finest Merlots of the Worlds (blind degustation). Tony "smuggled" a very "interesting" wine under the mainly 1995 Merlots: a bottle famed 1985 Chateau Petrus Pomerol (actual value on weinart.at : 1050 Euro). Until the exposure of the label the wine was not particularly outstanding. I wanted to empty my glass of it, when Tony asked me to pour everything into its glass ;-)

Wood business Enjoy Wine from South Tyrol (especially Lagrein)
subpages in german - Wein aus Südtirol geniessen, besonders Lagrein
May, Aug, Nov & Dez 2003 - One of my passions is to enjoy fine red wine, but like Andreas März I don't like "beaver wines" (excessive oak concentrated wines like "Super Tuscans" & Co). My favorites goes from tipical flavoured elegant to deep intensly but good to drink strong wines. Now 2 of my degustation notes are online: Bozner Weinkost 2003, JLF Lagrein Test, RondoVino Sauvignon/Lagrein, RondoVino Barolo/Brunello